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Rosalyn Dashboard (Canvas)

An overview of the Rosalyn dashboard in Canvas.

Written by Dragana
Updated over 2 years ago

Launching Rosalyn in Canvas:

Rosalyn is a remote proctoring solution that provides a layer of academic integrity to your existing Canvas Exams.

In order to authorize Rosalyn within Canvas, you will need to log in to your Canvas account first, and then please make sure that the Exam already exists in Rosalyn. Select the course you want to enable Rosalyn for, on the right, navigation bar you will see the Rosalyn.

Note: The Exam must already exist in Canvas.

You will see verification progress, to begin the authorization process click on the blue β€œAuthorize” button. It will take you to another tab to confirm that you want to enable Rosalyn within that specific course. Click the β€œAuthorize” and Rosalyn will enable it.

Now Rosalyn is enabled.

The next step will be to enable proctoring in an exam. Click here on how you can enable Rosalyn on a Canvas exam.

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