Rosalyn FAQ
Written by Dragana
Updated over a week ago

Administrator FAQ

What does Rosalyn do?

Rosalyn connects with your Learning Management System. It:

  • provides a secure environment for the exam with a locked-down browser

  • enables the ID verification of the test taker’s identity by humans in real time

  • instructs test takers on permitted behaviors and monitors them during an exam

  • alerts students to observed problematic behaviors so they are resolved real-time

How does Rosalyn deter/prevent cheating?

There are no proctoring systems that actually can claim to fully prevent cheating. Ones that try to, fail, and in doing so deliver a negative experience for test takers (e.g. many unnecessary test taker distractions).

Rosalyn’s focus is not on prevention, but rather deterrence. Rosalyn provides an online proctoring system that monitors academic integrity and provides students with a supportive and structured testing environment. The Rosalyn AI flags events that could be indicators of cheating, and real-time proctors can remind students of exam rules as needed. At the same time, students are in a structured testing environment that supports a focused and positive experience.

Just like an in-person instructor might remind you “no talking” during an exam, Rosalyn proctors can send messages as required.

Do you report cheating in Real-Time?

When a student starts the exam Rosalyn’s Artificial Intelligence will start proctoring the examinee, and if the AI detects any events that violate the exam rules it will report it, in real time, to a human proctor so they can communicate with the test taker and/or confirm and report.

Which LMS can you integrate with?

Rosalyn is LT1 1.3 compliant and currently integrates with Canvas.

How long does it take to integrate Rosalyn with Canvas?

Setting up Rosalyn within Canvas is quite simple, and takes 30 minutes or less to complete.

Rosalyn will require a Canvas LMS Administrator to perform the integration. The implementation process is as follows:

  1. Rosalyn provides a Rosalyn Organization account

  2. Create a Canvas Developer LTI Key

  3. Create a Canvas Developer API Key

  4. Provide information back to Rosalyn

  5. Setup Rosalyn App within a Canvas Account or Sub-Account

Compliance and Privacy

How does Rosalyn secure a testing session and secure integrity?

Rosalyn provides the following for every test session:

  • Makes sure the test taker does not have multiple displays available

  • Ensures that all applications (other than Rosalyn) are closed on the test takers device

  • Records the test taker's photo and valid ID so a Rosalyn proctor, and the instructor can verify the test taker’s identity

  • Records the web camera and screen

  • AI monitoring of the test taker throughout the session

  • Rosalyn’s human proctors work with the test taker if an AI flag is generated.

  • Instructors can review every session, and their flags, after the exam is completed.

Will Rosalyn be able to access test-takers personal computer files without their knowledge?

No, Rosalyn is not able to have access to the test-takers personal files on their computers. Rosalyn’s access is limited and only to your camera, microphone, and screen during the exam.

Unlike browser extension solutions, Rosalyn’s proctoring application only runs if and when the test taker launches it.

Where is test-taker data being sorted?

Exam sessions are stored in a Rosalyn managed, secure, and encrypted cloud-based location.

What happens to test-takers data if an institution ends its contract with Rosalyn?

The institution directs or orders that the data be deleted. If the university does not direct or order that the data be deleted then Rosalyn will delete it according to its data retention schedule.

What is your privacy policy?

You can click here for Rosalyn's Privacy Policy.


As a test-taker, where do I sign-up/log in?

Test-takers access Rosalyn through their Canvas account. If there is any Rosalyn exam available, they can go to Rosalyn’s dashboard (inside their Canvas course) and open the quiz.

What if something goes wrong and I lose internet connection during my exam?

If you lose connection, Rosalyn will try to reconnect for 30 seconds. If it can’t reconnect, then the program will shut down. You'll need to contact your instructor to extend the time window to complete the exam or reschedule the exam, with your instructor, for a later date.

Does the process of connecting to Rosalyn cut into my exam time?

No. Your exam time will start once you are all ready to start the test and complete all the necessary pre-flight steps to start the exam.


How do I schedule my exam for proctoring?

Rosalyn is a remote proctoring solution that can be used on top of your existing Canvas quizzes. Scheduling of quizzes is done using the tools available within Canvas.

To enable Rosalyn on a quiz, just select Rosalyn from your course’s menu. You will see the list of quizzes available in your Course. To enable Rosalyn for a specific quiz just click on the Rosalyn slider associated with the quiz.

Can I cancel/reschedule the exam?

Rosalyn follows the rules applied to the Canvas quizzes in your course. If you change the availability dates on a quiz Rosalyn will adjust automatically. If you cancel a quiz Rosalyn will no longer display it in the Rosalyn dashboard.

If one or more students have already taken a quiz it is recommended that you take care in deleting that quiz.

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